Tag: Career Coach

Coaching & Assertiveness
Assertiveness & You – ROI that’s impossible to ignore.

And in my final instalment relating to ‘Assertiveness & You’ (the best workshop on assertiveness that you have yet to discover!) we explore the final piece of the puzzle where the participants are at this stage aware of what assertiveness demands, what they demand from themselves to be assertive and their beliefs, values and emotional […]

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Coaching & Assertiveness
Coaching & Confidence
Fear of Rejection? Here’s how to overcome it…

This is a bit of a misnomer of a title. Truth be told, I don’t think we ever ‘overcome’ it. But please do read on and embrace the fear of the unknown… Young or old, smart or smarter, first job or best job, I imagine that most of us will have experienced *that* feeling.  It’s […]

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Coaching & Confidence
One Great Hack for Handling Job Interview Nerves

Preparation is the key. But what if our own shadow is blocking the light from finding the keyhole? How many times do we hear the phrase ‘preparation is key’. Fail to prepare and you prepare to fail… it’s a very simplistic, binary approach to understanding the world. You are good. You are not good. That […]

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