Coaching & Assertiveness
Diversity & Inclusion
Co-Leadership: Five tips on how to make it work for (both of) you.

As another leadership election arises in the UK, the notion of one person being in the ‘top job’ remains a universally held belief. However, we are in the age of job sharing and flexible working where such diversity in teams leads to greater creativity, problem-solving, higher innovation, better decision making and an improved bottom line. […]

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Coaching & Confidence
A walk in the park…

Learning to trust ourselves can sometimes be one of our deepest challenges. How do we know that we have done enough in order to trust ourselves? And who do we look towards so that we can trust everything is OK? 

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Coaching & Assertiveness
Diversity & Inclusion
How to avoid diversity washing through assertiveness…

Today more than ever, we have become aware that one’s IQ (Intelligence Quotient), one’s reasoning ability, is not the lead principle in getting to the top. EQ (Emotional Quotient) has become a decisive factor for recruiters both top-down and bottom-up. The recognition that sustainable, meaningful change comes from our ability to work with our emotions […]

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Coaching & Assertiveness
Assertiveness & You – ROI that’s impossible to ignore.

And in my final instalment relating to ‘Assertiveness & You’ (the best workshop on assertiveness that you have yet to discover!) we explore the final piece of the puzzle where the participants are at this stage aware of what assertiveness demands, what they demand from themselves to be assertive and their beliefs, values and emotional […]

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Coaching & Assertiveness
Assertive Communication

Through exploring our non-verbal and our verbal communication in my workshop, we begin to uncover what it means to be authentically, unequivocally you.

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Coaching & Assertiveness
Becoming Assertive – Part Deux

One of the key takeaways from the get-go is that It’s not about speaking first, standing up, being the most knowledgeable. Those are things you can do, without question – but not necessary to be truly assertive. It’s about feeling and being comfortable with who you are; understanding what is holding you back and using that knowledge to propel yourself forward… how we achieve this sits at the core of my work.

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Coaching & Assertiveness
Assertiveness – How to really make it work for your and your business.

In putting pen to paper, combining market research and having lived an overall assertive lifestyle, I recognised the need for a different understanding of assertiveness. It’s not something we’re taught. It’s not something we do. It’s who we are as humans and how we are being with ourselves and those around us. 

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Coaching & Assertiveness
Coaching & Confidence
Fear of Rejection? Here’s how to overcome it…

This is a bit of a misnomer of a title. Truth be told, I don’t think we ever ‘overcome’ it. But please do read on and embrace the fear of the unknown… Young or old, smart or smarter, first job or best job, I imagine that most of us will have experienced *that* feeling.  It’s […]

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Coaching & Assertiveness
Coaching & Confidence
Boundary Setting & Blue Monday: Say NO to negativity.

Blue Monday. The most depressing day of the year, right? Or a self-fulfilling prophecy encouraging us to fall into the marketing department’s trap?   In coaching, I’m often asking myself or my clients the question; what’s the truth in what you just said. What’s the truth in that statement? What is the truth then, when […]

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