Tag: Self-development

Mentor Coaching
Nurturing Connection: Unpacking the ICF Competency of Maintaining Presence

In the world of coaching, there’s a profound emphasis on the art of presence. It’s not just about being physically present; it’s about showing up fully, with undivided attention, empathy, and authenticity. This fundamental principle is beautifully encapsulated in the International Coaching Federation (ICF) competency known as “Maintains Presence.” Today, let’s explore this competency and […]

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Coaching & Assertiveness
Four Pillars to an Assertive Life

Grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one person I can, the wisdom to know that person is me (and the knowledge that if I don’t, I’ll end up in prison or committed to some other asylum). 

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Coaching & Assertiveness
Forgiveness in Five Minutes

This morning I missed an appointment. Not a client, but a meeting with a contractor at 8am. This. Never. Happens. Or so I thought… Over the years I know that I have judged people for not turning up to appointments, become angry, felt wronged, bitter, resentful. It’s fair to say I was carrying a lot […]

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Coaching & Assertiveness
Assertive Communication

Through exploring our non-verbal and our verbal communication in my workshop, we begin to uncover what it means to be authentically, unequivocally you.

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Coaching & Assertiveness
Becoming Assertive – Part Deux

One of the key takeaways from the get-go is that It’s not about speaking first, standing up, being the most knowledgeable. Those are things you can do, without question – but not necessary to be truly assertive. It’s about feeling and being comfortable with who you are; understanding what is holding you back and using that knowledge to propel yourself forward… how we achieve this sits at the core of my work.

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Coaching & Assertiveness
Coaching & Confidence
Boundary Setting & Blue Monday: Say NO to negativity.

Blue Monday. The most depressing day of the year, right? Or a self-fulfilling prophecy encouraging us to fall into the marketing department’s trap?   In coaching, I’m often asking myself or my clients the question; what’s the truth in what you just said. What’s the truth in that statement? What is the truth then, when […]

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Coaching & Assertiveness
Start as you mean to go on? No. Thank. You.

New Year, New You… and all that bollocks! Please excuse my language, but the bombardment of campaigns this time of year is just too much. For someone who makes a practice out of being assertive and saying NO, even I find it hard to resist getting caught up in the hysteria of ‘Dry January’, ‘Veganuary’ […]

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Coaching & Language
Frustratingly Fascinating…

‘Work is so frustrating at the moment’.  ‘My partner is doing my head in… he’s really frustrating me’. ‘Could I BE anymore frustrated?!’ Fair to say, we can all relate to these moments. We are not all the same (imagine how boring that would be) but at the same time, we can be worlds apart. […]

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Coaching & Contracting
Finding YOUR best coach.

Finding the right coach for you can be daunting. And I’m not here writing this to advocate myself as the best coach for you. On the contrary. It serves in my best interests to help YOU find the best coach for YOU.  Here’s a little secret. I don’t take on every client or coachee that […]

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