Co-Leadership: Five tips on how to make it work for (both of) you.

As another leadership election arises in the UK, the notion of one person being in the ‘top job’ remains a universally held belief. However, we are in the age of job sharing and flexible working where such diversity in teams leads to greater creativity, problem-solving, higher innovation, better decision making and an improved bottom line. With such clear benefits, more companies and some of the biggest offices in the land would do well to revise their current, firmly held structures. But simply installing a co-leadership model itself isn’t enough. Clear boundaries and an assertive mindset are essential to not just making co-leadership work, but being a working co-leader. Here are my five tips for getting it right first time:


Trusting your co-leader is a no-brainer. One should never go into business with someone you don’t trust. But how much do you trust yourself? Are you in this relationship for mutual gratification or mutual support? Be aware of your unique talents (and your foibles). Share what you both bring to the table – the good, the not so good and the ugly.


You can never communicate enough. But beware. This isn’t about leaving post-it notes and friendly email reminders of deadlines. Aligned, assertive communication with yourself and between yourselves will ensure one congruent message at all times to all people. You are two people but you represent one body of work. Become aligned. And respect your body.


Embrace your diversity of skills and behaviours and apply them appropriately. Don’t waste valuable time second-guessing or checking up on your partner. You’ll cover more ground spreading out than walking the same path. Ie: create, don’t duplicate! You’ll find yourself moving quicker and faster than the competition reaching those multiple goals in record time.


Look at the benefits at the top of this article. What would make you want to limit such wins to just the top-level? Look for and encourage opportunities for job sharing and co-leadership throughout your organisation. Create a compassionate, kind, economy of people. Daring is caring in this post-pandemic world.


Get a coach! This is more than just self-promotion. If you sense trust issues, if you find yourself blocked in communicating or dipping in confidence in this pioneering structure that you’re building then find someone who can cheer you on over those hurdles and past the finish line. Without awareness there can be no lasting change (and this is who coaches are – we encourage you to dig deep, become aware of your walls and break through them). Remember: this is a marathon not a sprint.

Working with co-leaderships requires tenacity, perspective and a sense of humour. I work with many inspirational coaches who partner with me in bringing about sustainable, meaningful change in organisations. Drop me a message via one of the links below to discover more on how an assertive mindset can bring about the win:win scenario for you and your co-leader and teams.

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