I want to be more effective.
I want to be more efficient.
Bigger. Faster. Stronger…
Not only are these the words I used myself when I arrived on my coaching journey, they are the words I hear time and time again, in various forms, from my clients. The desire to push harder, take on a bigger load, speed up…
In actual fact, and what tends to emerge (although no two clients the same) is the opposite. A desire emerges to slow down, to take stock, to find a sustainable, meaningful way forward through conversation.
When their energy starts to flow inwards rather than outwards, there’s an awareness between their heads and their hearts.
For want of a better word, this is alignment. The focus then shifts from anxiety (fear) over what obstacle to jump next to a more creative energy (such as pride) of realising there’s no need to jump when you’re already flying…
#energy #sustainable #coaching #creative