Month: July 2022

Coaching & Assertiveness
Forgiveness in Five Minutes

This morning I missed an appointment. Not a client, but a meeting with a contractor at 8am. This. Never. Happens. Or so I thought… Over the years I know that I have judged people for not turning up to appointments, become angry, felt wronged, bitter, resentful. It’s fair to say I was carrying a lot […]

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Coaching & Assertiveness
Diversity & Inclusion
Co-Leadership: Five tips on how to make it work for (both of) you.

As another leadership election arises in the UK, the notion of one person being in the ‘top job’ remains a universally held belief. However, we are in the age of job sharing and flexible working where such diversity in teams leads to greater creativity, problem-solving, higher innovation, better decision making and an improved bottom line. […]

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