Thinking Assertively – The beliefs that are holding you back…

In today’s snippet from my workshop ‘Assertiveness & You’, we get to the heart of the issue when it comes to living your assertive life; our beliefs, values and emotions.

How we think originates from our environments. Since birth we have been consciously or unconsciously moving through life and each experience has shaped our beliefs – the things we hold to be true. These can be limiting or supporting. And so we behave in response to these world views. 

As Henry Ford once said: whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right. 

And whilst I believe he’s correct; the solution isn’t simply to ‘think positively’. Don’t get me wrong, it can help in the short-term, but long-term, meaningful assertive behaviour comes from much deeper exploration and unravelling of the layers of beliefs and values that feed into your world view. 

This is where the real fun begins in the workshop – collectively and as individuals. We start to understand the emotions that are linked to our beliefs and how they can help move (put into motion) our wants and needs to be assertive. It’s about understanding yourself and your world to a deeper level. It’s not about controlling our emotions – but exploring them and managing them to help us find methods of communication in which we find comfort and strength to truly assert ourselves. 

Once again – assertiveness becomes not something we do, but who we are… interested to discover more? Then come and explore the art of the possible with me – here.

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